Monday, April 11, 2011

Let The Adventure Begin!

So hey y'all! How are you?
Here is an absolutely adorable story from this past summer while I was working at camp. Liz, Kate, and I were teaching children's church during family week and we were talking about Joseph when his brothers threw him in the well. I asked the children, "Was Joseph alone in the well?" A little girl answered, "No, he had Jesus and the bugs!" Aww so cute!! ..."the bugs"...haha amazing. :)

Oh, and never trust Spencer McGall with a'll end up giving yourself a pretty nice egg on your forehead that doesn't disappear for about 2-3 weeks... :p Spence, pleeeaase don't do that to me this year, okay??

Exciting news!! A couple from Shepherds Ministries came to speak at our church this past Sunday. I've known about Shepherds for a couple years now. However, they have alot of open land. Katie and I will, hopefully, be looking into trying to associate our Therapeutic Riding Barn with them. We really desire for our barn to be more like a mission field along with the therapy! We're really excited to see where the Lord is going to lead us on this! In the meantime, we will be interning at a couple places next summer and scoping out land in Colorado this year (our other place we've thought to establish our barn at). Please be praying that the Lord will lead and make His will clear to us! We are so very excited and we are enjoying our adventure leading to our dream! :)

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