Thursday, September 22, 2011

His Strength Is Perfect

My interesting tidbit of the day? Katie is training a chicken and she thinks it's cute, cuddly, and sweet. And he apparently likes to talk quietly while she holds him. Adorable :)

So, the first few weeks of my sophomore year have been absolutely nutzo! I can't believe how busy I am. I'm only taking 13 credits. I decided to drop my agriculture economics class (no way was I going to pass that class). I get to train a horse this semester for one of my classes. I'm so excited! I'm going to meet him/her later this afternoon. I will try to remember to take a picture and I'll post it on here. :) Back to what I was saying. I had a cold for 2 1/2 weeks and it's still affecting my asthma. However, as the Lord has been showing me these last few weeks, His strength is perfect when I am weak. There were many times where I just couldn't do any more and didn't think I'd make it through the week without going crazy. But, every time, the Lord picked me up, held me, strengthened me, and brought me through. At Camp Northfield we have a saying which says "If the Lord brings you to it, He'll bring you through it." This is absolute truth. 

I'm getting excited. I still have four more years here at UConn. But, I've been volunteering at a therapeutic riding barn and I'm loving every minute of it. Each client and horse are my inspiration to do well in my studies and reach my goal of having my own christian therapeutic riding barn. Kate and I want it to be a mission field. We see so many people going out to other countries or to people who speak a different language in the U.S. But, we don't see many going out to those who have disabilities and their families. We have such a burden to help these people and show them God's love. I pray that, even as I'm volunteering, they will see HIS love.

In the meanwhile, let the adventures begin!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am excited for you too. Keep up the good work and keep your eyes on the Lord. :)


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